Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm back and have some time.

Its been way to long since I last posted. I probably last left you (you being like 1 of 2 people) with me about to start my new job. GEOS has been great...much better than I imagined. I've worked there for 4 months now and have for the most part loved everyday. Yea I've had some rough days, maybe one or two rough weeks as well, but in general I love my job. I don't count down hours to when I get to get home either, which I just realized last week. Therefore, I consider it to be a great job where I'm learning a lot. The atmosphere is not your usual cup of tea when it comes to office jobs - thats a good thing and bad thing somedays, for the most part I love it, but there are times when things get a little to crazy.

Triathlon season started off slow this year. I had every intention of doing Rev3 70.3 but quickly realized I have very little time outside of church, Kelly, and a job. Thankfully Rev3 was nice enough to let me downgrade to the Olympic race and still give me a great deal on it. While training started slow and I had to skip some training a few weeks due to a heavy work schedule, I've had a good last week of training before I taper and I'm confident I can finish and hopefully finish strong. One of my favorite things this year was to run the Knoxville Half Marathon, its something I never thought I could do. Well I knew I could do it but I always thought it would take weeks of training. Regardless I finished it in a very respectable time of 1:58 which is awesome considering my goal time for training for a half was 2:00. It was literally the most fun I've ever had at a race. I can truly say I was running with Joy in Christ. I've never been so happy in crossing the finish line either. I had probably the biggest grin on my face....Kelly even said she'd never even seen me smile that big, might have even shed a tear too. (Makes me smile just thinking of it) Overall it was just a lot of fun....I wasn't running for first place....I was running for Christ - I loved every bit of it. Next week starts my Tri season races...while I'm not perfectly ready I'm hoping its another fun summer of racing.

Things with Kelly have been great as well.....ok they've been awesome. Going into this Spring we expected the worse, but hoped for the best with our schedules. Things turned out to be great and we finally found a routine to see each other regularly during the week. We'll see how this summer goes...again hoping for the best but expecting the worse. I've been proud how she can jump back into school and essentially Ace all her classes, that a girl Kfairwea. I can't forget to mention she took me to my first MLB game last week - Braves vs. Cardinals, its quite the step up from the Smokies. I'd rather go to a MLB game than to even a UT football game any day! In general we had a great trip to ATL, we both stocked up on some IKEA and Trader Joes! Well I hope the two of you who read my blog are now caught up! Take Care I'm sure I'll see you in a few days or hours haha.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010 Hello 2011

As I close out 2010 today, I decided to make a list of the great memories! I could do negative but who the hell cares about negatives....So here is a list of some of the best things that happen in 2 O Ten.

1. I became a runner, I couldn't' even run 2 miles without dying a years ago.
2. Raced in my first 5k and 10k
3. Completely 4 Sprint Triathlon and 1 Olympic Distance one.
4. Had the best birthday gift ever when my friends surprised me by showing up to a race and for dinner.
5. Lead two awesome small groups called Dirty Chai and Time Out.
6. Learned how to handle conflict with a Christlikeness manner.
7. Grew close to a real Christian community
8. Learned about how to Glorify God and what that looks like and means.
9. Had a fulltime job with Joseph Construction where I had many great stories.
10. Learned how to truly have good heart to heart conversations and not put any walls up.
11. Graduated college with a degree in Civil Engineering.
12. Passed my Fundamental Engineering Exam.
13. Got a full time engineering job even before graduating (God truly blessed me with that).
14. Moved off campus and established a life independent from parents.
15. After 4 months of liking Kelly, finally asked her out on a date.
16. Started my first serious relationship with Kelly and learning to make it all about Christ
17. Learned how to relate my life for running/triathlons to a relationship with Christ.
18. Learned how much I love and need God's Grace.
19. Learned that its ok to be a silent leader.
20. Learned I love working with Middle Schooler because I got to coach a Cross Country team.
21. Learning to Love Christ first, not your self, your relationships, your possessions or your job.

Those are some of the highlights of 2010, I could talk for hours about each one, and I know I have many more. Now here are a couple things I would love to accomplish for 2011!!!

1. Love Christ first and everything else second.
2. Using running/triathlons to proclaim Christ's name.
3. Get more of my friends into running.
4. Complete my first Half Ironman 70.3
5. Keep pursuing Kelly like the first date we had, and keep pursuing the relationship with Christ first.
6. Become more confident in leading a bible study.
7. Continue to be a hard worker and do the best I can at Geos!
8. Be smart about my finances and save money for big purchases.
9. Be a better friend, boyfriend, son, brother and roommate.
10. Weekly remember how important it is to have intentional conversations.

So excited for 2011, a couple years ago when I worked for Young Life I truly thought the best seasons of my life were over. But I hadn't experience 2010 yet. This past year has truly been the best year of my life, and I can't wait for next year.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Seasons are Changing

It seems to be a trend I blog every two weeks. The past two weeks have been crazy. Its been the perfect amount of time before I start my new job on Monday at Geo Services. I'm glad to jump right into the working world, God could have not blessed me any more. Its bad to say, but I now just feel like something bad will happen with all this good luck I am having.

Graduation was low key. I truly was not affected by it at all until the moment we moved our tassels from the right to left. I will even go ahead and admit I did shed at tear at that point. I was turning my back and walking out the door of the University of Tennessee with my head held high ready the conquer the working field. I do feel like UT prepared me well for my first day on the job, but I also know I'm leaving with a lot to learn. I'm leaving with lots of great memories of study parties with friends and classmates, I'm leaving weeks where I've been in tears cause of stress, and I'm leaving a university that I'm proud to be an alumni of. I jokingly like to say "I can't believe the let me graduate" I think its funny to say, and the truth is I couldn't have done any of this without the help and support of my friends...especially these past two years where I have really learned what a Christian community is.

Here is a great shot of my family post commencement.

Since graduation pretty much the only other thing I've been doing is Christmas shopping and hanging out with my lovely girlfriend, Kelly. While I'm graduating and going to work she's doing the opposite and going to get her masters. I'm super excited for her to do this and go be a teacher for elementary school kiddos. With such big changes in seasons for both of us its pretty obvious we won't see each other as much. Which leads into why its been so much fun the past month, we've gone on tons of dates to squeeze what time we have together. We've had double dates, surprise dates(it failed, my surprise date was closed), we've had sunrise dates, dates where the parents meet and so much more. It was fun to see the parents have so much fun together, I think we were both shocked how well they got along. Here are some pictures of some of the fun dates we had. These are in no particular order.

Max Patch Sunrise Hike....1 out of the 4 times you'll see Kelly up before 6. And for just rolling out of bed she still looks beautiful.

Following that date we hung Christmas lights (She likes this picture cause I'm using my tool holder in my carhartts)

We also had a blast on a double date with Krista and AJ Babel that I love getting to hang out with!!!

We also went to Grandfather mountian in October with her parents where we just acted goofy the whole time.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'm Done

I am done with college!!!

That is All!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Knoxville Marathon Relay - HoRay

You might be included in this post!!!

So lately I have become super duper excited about next years races. I'm pumped to start training again in January for Rev3 70.3 and other various races. One of my favorite races last year was the Knoxville Marathon. I literally only had been running probably 2 months when I ran the Knoxville Marathon Relay with Team Dirty Chai. This year I can't wait to do it again, I've started recruitmented people as of a couple weeks ago. My goal was to get two teams together for the 2011 race. Needless so say I want more a of a challenge, my goal now is to get 3 teams from the Thursday Night college group named Time Out. At the top of my list of people to get is:

Sam, Kendel, Melissa, Jaylin, Merrick, Stephen, Seth, Myself, JC, Chelsea P., Bobby, Clay and anybody else...maybe go to 4 teams!!!

** Please Add Patrick and Tim to the list too

This is the start of my list of people to nag into doing it haha. I think it would be tons of fun to do this many teams!!! Basically if you told you me you've run before I selected you to try and convince you to do it.

No matter how fast you are, how many miles a week you run, or how many races you've done you're a runner. If you've been doing it for 7 years or today is your first day running, you're a runner.

My word of encouragement to people is give it a try, last February I couldn't even run a mile when out almost killing over. But this summer I accomplished one of the most fun things of my life yet, an Olympic triathlon. So don't doubt yourself if you think you can't do it. I know you can! I know I haven't been running more than a year, but would love to help set up a group to train for the marathon relay. Running to me is a passion, its a way I find to Glorify God and find strength in Him when nothing else is left in me to give!

Hebrews 12:1 1Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is before us.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Last Week of My Edumication

As I'm about to start my last week of school I'm seeing that, 1. I'm extremely blessed, and 2. Everything is about to change. I had my 2nd interview on Wednesday and I'm glad to say that the job sounds pretty good. I would love to work for this company, it really is a perfect fit for me. Its here in Knoxville, and the way business is going, it has great potential to grow. I hope to hear something from them early this week. I hope they weren't pulling my leg, but the way they talked to me it sounded likely they were sending me a job offer.

I have realized that this opportunity is truly a blessing. This weekend I've noticed how much God has given me, he's truly blessed me with everything. I have amazing friends that when I truly suck at life, like last week, they still love me. I have a great family that's always supported me and loves me. I have a great girlfriend that is always on the same page as me, I have a job possibility that I do not deserve, and I have a Lord and Savior that saved me from death and I know I don't deserve that either.

I have to say this weekend was full of a lot of conversations that were meaningful. I had very intentional conversations with both my parents. Its started to hit me that in the next month I will be on my own and paying for everything on my own. Some my run away from this, but it gets me excited. I made a budget this weekend and I really enjoyed it to be honest! I'm just praying that God gives me the opportunity to work with this company I interviewed with and start this new chapter in my life and see what God teaches me.

Monday, November 15, 2010

"Hide yo kids Hide yo wife"

If you really knew me you'd know I really desire to be a creative talented person...but I can't...I wish I could sing, but I can't, wish I could dance, but I can't, which I could act but I can't. (If Jillian Michaels heard all those "can'ts" she would probably make me cry :/) Most of my ideas and desires come from some kind of viral video and it gets me thinking "oooo Woww" I wish I had those skills.

This morning I saw some acepella videos that were created by one guy, Mike Tompkins. My sudden obsession with aceplla may or may not be because of Glee. Well the cool part is, technologically, I have the skills to make the videos just not the talent to sing them :(. Here are some examples of what he's done.

This is the one they featured this morning on the Today Show.

And after that they showed how the anchors produced their own. I feel after seeing the whole feature story and listening to Ann, Al's and Matt's original voices I may have a shot at doing one. This is what they produced below, keep in mind they showed the raw clips during the feature and none could carry a tune, so there is hope for me.

If you really knew me you'd know I get inspired by projects like this and will think about them for days, or nights, or months. I don't want my video to be viral to become famous or friends to be impressed, but I think its so cool to take raw footage/audio and create something cool out of it. I did it with Young Life some in 2009. This is what I made for my Summer Staffers last year!

Like I said I love doing this stuff, wish I was better at it cause I know some people that are far better at all of this than me. There are a ton of videos cause I just learned how to post them haha!!!